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Cairo to Alexandria train times and ticket prices today, Saturday 29 June 2024

Today’s train timesToday, Saturday June 29, 2024, the Egyptian National Railway Authority revealed the timetable for air-conditioned and Russian trains running on the “Cairo-Alexandria” line and vice versa.

“La Semaine” reviews train timetables, through a distinguished service available to you 24 hours a day by clicking on the link here.

Train times for Cairo Alexandria

Train No. 119, leaves Cairo station at 5 a.m., arrives in Alexandria at 9:50 a.m. The ticket price is 65 pounds.

Train No. 903, leaves Cairo at 6 a.m., arrives at 9:30 a.m. Alexandria, first class ticket price 80 pounds.

The price for second class is 65 pounds.

Train No. 2025, Spanish Talgo, departs from Cairo at 8 a.m. and arrives in Alexandria at 10:30 a.m. The price of a first class ticket is 225 pounds, the price of a second class ticket is 150 pounds.

Cairo to Alexandria train times and ticket prices today, Saturday 29 June 2024
Talugu Train

The Spanish air-conditioned 901 Express train leaves Cairo at 8:10 a.m. Arrival time in Alexandria is 11:15am. The price of a first class ticket is 80 pounds, second class is 65 pounds.

Train No. 905, VIP type, departs from Cairo at 9 a.m., arrives in Alexandria at 11:30 a.m., the price of a first class ticket is 145 pounds, the price of a second class ticket is 115 pounds .

Train No. 911, Air-conditioned Express, leaves Cairo at 10 a.m. and arrives in Alexandria at 1:50 p.m.

Train No. 89, a turboprop type, leaves Cairo at 11:15 and arrives in Alexandria at 13:55, the price of a first class ticket is 105 pounds, the price of a second class ticket is 75 pounds.

Train No. 913, Spanish Express, departs from Cairo at 12 p.m. and arrives in Alexandria at 2:50 p.m., first class ticket price is 80 pounds, second class ticket price is 65 pounds.

Train number 2023, Talgo type, leaves Cairo at 2 p.m. and arrives in Alexandria at 4:30 p.m., the price of a first class ticket is 225 pounds, that of the second class is 150 pounds.

Train No. 919, Express type, Spanish air conditioning, leaves Cairo at 2:25 p.m., arrives in Alexandria at 6:5 p.m., first class costs 80 pounds, second class costs 65 pounds.

Train number 917, VIP type, leaves Cairo at 3:00 p.m. and arrives in Alexandria at 5:30 p.m. The price of a first class ticket is 145 pounds, the price of a second class ticket is 115 pounds.

Train No. 915, Express type, Spanish air conditioning, departure from Cairo at 3:20 p.m., arrival in Alexandria at 6:20 p.m., first class: 80 pounds, second class: 65 pounds.

Train 921, VIP type, departs from Cairo at 6:00 p.m. and arrives in Alexandria at 8:35 p.m., the price of the first class ticket is 145 pounds, the price of the second class ticket is 115 pounds.

Train number 2027, Talgo type, leaves Cairo at 7 am and arrives in Alexandria at 9:30 pm, the price of a first class ticket is 225 pounds, that of the second class is 150 pounds.

Train No. 931, Express type, with Spanish air conditioning, leaves Cairo at 8:15 p.m., arrives in Alexandria at 11:35 p.m., the price of the first class ticket is 80 pounds, the second class ticket is 65 pounds.

Train No. 935, VIP type, leaves Cairo at 22:30 and arrives in Alexandria at 13:50, the price of the first class ticket is 145 pounds, that of the second class is 115 pounds.

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