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Coordinating admission to Giza commercial and hotel secondary schools for the year 2024-2025

Coordination of commercial and hotel schools.. Many college students and parents are looking for coordination of business and hospitality schools in the Giza governorate, for the next school year 2024-2025.

Coordinate admission into commercial and hospitality secondary schools in Giza

The Giza Governorate announced the coordination of admission to the first year of technical secondary school in commercial and hotel schools, to study there during the next academic year 2024-2025.

Coordinating admission to Giza commercial and hotel secondary schools for the year 2024-2025
Coordination of business and hotel schools

Coordinate admissions to commercial and hotel high schools

– The coordination of the Giza Hotel High School for the new year is approximately 250 degrees from the official hotel pyramid.

– The coordination of the Giza Commercial and Hotel High School for the new year is about 230 degrees for each of the “Martyr Ahmed Mahmoud Shaaban Commercial, Al-Raya Commercial Girls and Al-Haram Professional Hotel”.

– The coordination of Giza Commercial Secondary School for the new year amounts to approximately 220 acceptance points for both “Martyr Muhammad Hisham Ismail Girls’ Commercial School and Martyr Abdo Mahdi Rizkallah Joint Commercial School “.

– The coordination of the commercial secondary school in Giza for the new year involves about 210 levels of the school: “Imbaba Commercial Secondary School, Bahathat Al Badia Commercial School, Al-Zahraa Commercial School for Girls, Al-Ahram Commercial School for Boys, Al-Qanater Joint Commercial Establishment, Auseem Joint Commercial School and Giza Advanced Technical School.

Coordinating admission to Giza commercial and hotel secondary schools for the year 2024-2025
Coordination of commercial and hotel schools

– Coordination of Commercial Secondary School in Giza for the new year covers about 200 levels in Mazghouna Combined Commercial School, Al-Ayyat Joint Commercial School, Al-Qatouri Joint Commercial School , Atfih Joint Commercial School, Al-Qababaat Joint Commercial School. , Al-Barbul Commercial Secondary School, Fatima Al-Zahraa Commercial School for Boys and Advanced Technical Class.

– The coordination of the Giza Commercial High School for the new year is about 175 degrees of admission to the Bawity Common Commercial School.

– The coordination of Giza Commercial Secondary School for the new year is approximately 150 degrees for Al-Bawity joint commercial services.

– The coordination of commercial and hospitality secondary schools in Giza for the new year amounts to approximately 140 marks for special education schools.

Coordinating admission to Giza commercial and hotel secondary schools for the year 2024-2025
Coordination of business and hotel schools

Documents required to apply to commercial and hotel high schools

– Original birth certificate and 4 copies thereof.

– Third year college achievement report and 3 copies thereof.

– 4 personal photos with the student’s name printed on them.

– The data must be drawn up by the tutor based on the student’s birth certificate and original papers.

– 3 copies of the guardian’s national identity card.

– Receipt of payment of tuition fees and 4 copies thereof.

– Plastic wallet.

– A sticker with the student’s full information written on it.

– Stamps for high school students.

– The student’s health card.

– 2 nature of education professions.

– A paper file to apply to college.

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Coordinate admission to Giza Commercial and Hospitality Secondary Schools for the year 2024-2025

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