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Reggie Jackson remembers the racism he faced in MLB #politics #sport

Alex Rodriguez opens up about his conversation with baseball legend Reggie Jackson as he discusses the racism he faced as a young player. Watch or listen to “The Deal” Thursdays on the Bloomberg app or wherever you get your podcasts #race #bloomberg #sports #mlb Join Alex Rodriguez and Bloomberg correspondent Jason Kelly for a look at investing, strategy, reinvention and the ones that got away. Like this video? Subscribe: Get unlimited access to for $1.99/month for your first 3 months: Bloomberg Originals delivers bold takes for curious minds on the biggest topics of the day. Hosted by experts covering stories you haven’t seen and perspectives you haven’t heard, you’ll discover data-driven, cinematic shows that explore the intersection of business and culture. Exploring every angle of climate change, technology, finance, sports and beyond, Bloomberg Originals is business as you’ve never seen it before. Subscribe to get business news, but not as you know it: exclusive interviews, fascinating profiles, data-driven analysis and the latest tech innovations from around the world. Visit our partner channel Bloomberg Quicktake for global news and insights in an instant.

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