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Researcher: Netanyahu wants to continue the war to improve his image in Israeli society

Researcher: Netanyahu wants to continue the war to improve his image in Israeli society

Dr. Ahed Farawneh, writer, political researcher and expert on Israeli affairs, said that what is happening in Gaza is a continuation of this war that the occupation army is waging against our Palestinian people, and this war in which it claims she will. reduce major military operations and then move on to what he calls the third phase.

Farawneh added today, Saturday, during an intervention on the “Cairo News” channel, that this stage, which is also considered a dangerous stage, as the occupation is storming a number of areas, as is currently the case in the Al-Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza City, which is considered the largest neighborhood in the Gaza Strip in terms of population, and its residents have been forced to migrate to the already dilapidated areas in the west and center of the Gaza Strip.

He continued: “Benjamin Netanyahu wants to continue this war for internal and external accounts. These internal accounts are linked to improving his image with Israeli society due to the failures he has become, and he is trying to obtain the achievements through which he has achieved. will regain its declining popularity since October 7 until today, in addition to the control of the right over the internal government. The occupying state continues to implement its plans against the Palestinian cause and destroy all aspects of life in the Gaza Strip.

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He explained that there are external calculations related to the fact that Netanyahu wants this war to continue until the American elections, in an attempt to bring back his new friend Trump, whom Netanyahu wants to bring back to power, given what he provided him in the first era when he announced the so-called deal of the century and moved the American embassy to Jerusalem. He stopped supporting the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Onora Agency, and thus provides everything that Netanyahu asks for in this context.

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