International sports videos

This is what happened between Messi and the Canadian national team. They made fun of him because he missed a goal! Unless no one saw it in the match against Argentina

This is what happened between Messi and the Canadian national team. They made fun of him because he missed a goal! What no one saw in the match against Argentina « Summary of the match between Argentina and Canada – Copa America 2024 | Goals from Messi and Julian Alvarez » Video description: “Now watch the summary of the match between Argentina and Canada to open the 2024 Copa America! In an exciting match at the Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta, the Argentine team, led by… Lionel Messi, achieved a deserved 2-0 victory against Canada. The goals were scored by Julian Alvarez and Lautaro Martinez with assists. Messi Check out the biggest moments, missed chances and post-match reactions. Be sure to watch this summary, which includes all the exciting events and the wonderful performance of the Albiceleste. Subscribe to the channel for more Copa America 2024 recaps and news! Argentina and Canada match, Copa America 2024, Messi goals, Julian Alvarez, Lautaro Martinez, Lionel Messi, match summary, Mercedes-Benz, Atlanta football, Argentina national team, highlights, missed chances, reactions after the match, Copa America Summaries, Copa America 2024 news #Argentina #Canada #Copa_America_2024 #Messi #Goals #Match_Summary #Football #MercedesBenzStadium #Argentina_National Team ☑️ Support the channel by sharing the video and enabling alerts (🔔 ) or directly by registering with the exclusive features Link. to join the channel: • Subscribe to the channel to receive all the new updates ::/ • Don’t forget to activate the bell. • If you like the video, please like it and share it with your friends. . To contact us —————————————— – ———————– I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO THE CLIPS OR MUSIC. ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTFUL OWNERS. This video is not intended to violate the terms of service. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting current affairs, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Nonprofit, educational, or personal use tips the scales in favor of fair use. The official “Football Love” channel. An Arab sports channel on YouTube that focuses on everything new in the world of European and Arab football. Here you will love football.

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